Moldavite is a dark green crystal formed 15 million years ago born from a meteorite believed to have crashed into the Bohemian plateau (AKA the modern-day Czech Republic), the impact was believed to have been so fierce that it smashed straight through and into the earth’s core leaving pieces of molten rock scattered for miles.
It’s believed to carry the magic of our ancestors, bring about great protection, spiritual awareness and connection, as well as good luck and transformation. Often times people will scare you away from moldavite, saying it’s very intense and scary. But that’s simply not true! If you feel called to this crystal, trust your intuition. You’re ready to initiate change in your life. I’m excited for you to embark on this journey! Like all crystals, your intention is key. Charge your crystal by meditating and visualizing how you would live your desired life. Wear it or carry it around with you everyday!